Help Save the Akhal-Tekes
What if one of the oldest horse breeds in the world, was also one of the rarest horses in the world? And these horses were created with a special magic, different from other horses, shining in the sun like metallic gold, slender, graceful, and fast as the wind.
And one of their rare kind, a majestic black stallion, won the Olympic Gold Medal, and was crowned World Horse of the Year. And his grandsons and granddaughters could run in eventing, dance in dressage, sail over jumps, and stay the course in endurance.
But years later, in 2025... The future of these golden horses was in peril, with dwindling numbers, and only ten foals born each year, all across North America.
Then special people rallied for these rare special horses, knowing their great hearts. Each person offered what gift they could, until together, there were gifts enough. And through this miracle — and with lots of hard working volunteers — the magical horses would be saved!
On hearing such a magical story, you might just think the folks at Disney were laying it on pretty thick. But if you know Akhal-Tekes, you might smile to yourself, saying, "I know this fairy tale. This is the true story of the Akhal-Tekes."
And your eyes would widen, as you realize that you too are part of this story.
With your own gift to give.
For the Akhal-Teke horses. ❤️