Sponsor Pallas Athena
Help support purebred Akhal-Teke mare Pallas Athena at the nonprofit Akhal-Teke Center.
![Sponsor Pallas Athena image](https://nfg-sofun.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project/photo/241351/poster_board_tina_and_kevin-crop.jpg)
Your donation of any amount will help support Pallas Athena at the nonprofit Akhal-Teke Center. And with a recurring donation of $100 or more, we'll add your name to Pallas Athena's individual page, to the horse sponsorships page, and to the honored sponsors on our Programs page. And you'll receive a personal update about your sponsored horse every month!
Your sponsorship really helps support this beloved horse. And with five sponsors at the basic $100 per month level, or with one sponsor at $500 per month, all the basic needs of your chosen Akhal-Teke will be covered.
If you have any questions or comments, let us know by email to akhaltekefoundation@gmail.com or call us anytime at 541-514-4766.